We’re the solution to your
HR and Payroll Challenges HR and Payroll Needs
We’re the solution to your
HR and Payroll Challenges HR and Payroll Needs
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Are you exploring the option of outsourcing your payroll?
ReyPath Solutions offers a custom payroll outsourcing solution that fits any size business and your unique needs. Book a call back and we’ll phone you to answer all your questions about how we tailor our solution to your business needs and anything else you might want to know.
Why Consider Outsourcing Now?
1. Get peace of mind knowing a professional is doing your payroll.
2. Avoid the hassle of software updates, medical aid changes and implementing legislative changes.
3. Free up time by handing over admin.
4. Remove the pressure and stress of payroll returns.
5. Ensure privacy and confidentiality.
Been dealing with ReyPath Solutions for a long time now and always received excellent service. Very professional and friendly.
Save Time
Eliminate Unforseen Costs
Eliminate Legal Concern
Improve Your Payroll Experience
Increase Confidentiality and Security
Considering Outsourcing Your Payroll?
Try our outsourcing calculator to get a quote.
HR and Payroll Outsourcing
Our Outsourcing Process
1. Payroll Input
Payroll input is received.
2. Payroll Processing
Payroll input gets processed by a specialised administrator dedicated to your company.
3. Payroll Review
Input gets viewed and validated.
4. Payroll Adjustments
Required adjustments are made after internal validations.
5. Payroll Approval
Final reports of the period's payroll will be sent to the customer for sign-off.
6. Payroll Output
Payment files are generated and declarations are submitted.
Why Choose Us?
At ReyPath, we don’t just believe in getting our job done well; we believe in making a positive impact on every business and person we come in contact with. With this belief comes the attitude of excellence, going the extra mile, building relationships, and always supporting our clients.
Focus More Time on Growing your Business
ReyPath Solutions offers an end to end payroll solution in which we take care of all your payroll needs. Our goal is to help you provide a better offering to your employees while taking away the stress and admin of your payroll. We take care of your payroll, you take care of your business.
Reasons to Outsource
with us
Save Costs
Always Relevant
legislation for you.
Customer Intimacy
Cloud Access
We make use of cloud software which gives you real-time access to your payroll even while we are processing it for you.
team committed to your company.
HR and Payroll Outsourcing
What’s Included?
Employee Self Service
Employee self-service (ESS) is where employees can access the HR system. ESS will give the employee access to apply for leave, submit claims and overtime. Payslips and IRP5s can also be downloaded.
Monthly Tax Retuns
EMP201 – this is a payment declaration in which the employer declares the total payment together with the allocations of PAYE / SDL / UIF and/or ETI. – This is submitted monthly to SARS and is done online via efiling.
Standard Reporting
Monthly reporting is done to reconcile the payroll; this is to compare the current period payroll amount with the figures listed in your payroll. Also, it ensures that records reconcile.
These are the reports drawn to assist with monthly processing and reconning.
All Statutory Reporting
Leave Management
employee transactions and balances, and provision reports.
Third-Party Payments
NetPay Payment Files
Pulling bank files to directly import to the bank.
General Ledger
A general ledger report will give you payroll related financial data, with debit and credit account records validated by a trial balance.
This provides a detailed listing of all transactions that affected the general ledger.
Legislative & BCEA Maintenance
Keep up to date with legislative and BCEA changes.
Mid-Year Submission (EMP501)
Validations and reconciliations assistance with Easyfile submissions.
Year-End Submission (EMP501)
Validations and reconciliations assistance with e@sy file submissions.
Garnishee Order
A garnishee order is a court order that is served by the sheriff of the court, which instructs an employer to deduct money from an employee’s salary or wages to pay off and settle the debt owed.
Garnishee orders are updated and loaded for you.
ETI (Employee Tax Incentive)
We provide a breakdown of ETI for all employees contained in the EMP501 file.
UI19, UI23, UI27
Workflow Configuration
Workflow configuration is a series of steps or tasks that are carried out based on user-defined rules or conditions to execute a business process.
UIF Declarations
Every month an UIF declaration is submitted to the Labour department. This document contains information relating to UIF contributions (Employers and Employees) in respect of each employee and their employment status.
Employment Equity Reporting
Employment equity reporting is for employers who fall under the ‘designated employer’ definition. Employers are requested to submit the Employment Equity Report annually.
Maintaining equity information assists with the submission of annual equity plans.
COIDA Reporting
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease Act (COIDA) requires all employers to submit a declaration, known as a Return of Earnings (ROE) or W.As.8, of annual earnings to the Compensation fund each year.
Financial reports are pulled from the payroll. Then a ROE is completed for the previous year, forecasted for the current year and submitted online.
Skills & Development
We provide assistance in skills and development management and report
Tax Clearance Certificate/Letters of good standing.
A tax clearance certificate (TCC) is a document issued by SARS confirming that the applicant’s tax affairs are in order.
A letter of good standing is issued to an employer to verify that the employer has complied with the labour department. This letter is given to employers when their Return of Earning has been submitted annually and there are no outstanding issues.
Statistics SA
We provide the report in the required format to be submitted quarterly to Statistics SA.
Application for Tax Directives
The purpose of a tax directive is to enable SARS to instruct an employer on how to deduct employees’ tax from certain lump sums payable to an employee. The Tax Directive is captured on Efiling and submitted to SARS. The duration of a tax directive can be 24 hours to 21 days.