How to setup a Claim Component - ReyPath Solutions
+27 12 881 6980

How to setup a Claim Component

Navigation Path

To access the Claim Component Screen:

1. Go to Config

2. Payroll Config

3. Select Claim Component Settings

Type in the component information


Cut-off Date on Company Payslip Pay Dates

When using workflow paths for claims, the user must specify the cut-off date per pay run on the Company Payslip Pay Dates Screen.  Should the employee submit a claim after the cut-off date, the claim will progress through the workflow path and automatically commit to the next run when it opens.

Should you not specify a cut-off date, the employees will be able to submit a claim up to the pay date specified on the Company Payslip Pay Dates Screen.

Claim Components Settings Screen

Feild Descriptions

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